Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maxine Monday on hiatus

Okay for real, I don't know how to post a picture using my phone. Full disclosure.

I am back in the hospital - I developed a mild skin infection and have been getting IV antibiotics since Saturday night. Hopefully will be going home on Monday morning.

My surgery was not done at this hospital, but this is the hospital closest to my house. It is also the hospital my mom spent so much time in at the end, and where she passed away. I recognized nurses in the ER. And now I am in a cookie cutter room to hers. It was a strange feeling of familiarity and sadness when they wheeled me into my room last night. It was emotional for me. And just now a doctor who treated my mom and was incredibly gentle with her came in to consult on my case. After he left the tears came.

My surgery is a starting over point for me. And now unexpectedly it is also a cleansing of emotions left over from taking care of my mom - as well as making decisions about her death.

Do things really always happen for a reason? Maybe so.

I also can't figure out how to schedule this post for tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hopefully this will clear up quickly and then you can get on with moving forward. And I think the emotional cleansing is as important as the physical. That way you have a totally clean slate on witch to write your next chapter.

Mahala said...

You've been on my mind constantly since reading that you'd had surgery. As you may know, I'm a total social retard, so I never know what to say, but just know I'm thinking of you and wish I could help in some way. ((HUGGLES))

Cindy of PEI said...

I could kick myself! First here is to wishing you well fast, healing emotions I'm a tard when it comes to... I just push them past and go on and that isn't always the best.

I have been busy and away from the computer so I'm out of the loop. Sorry to hear your troubles and now that things have slowed down I'll be around, take care

The Beading Gem said...

You're one heck of a blogger, still posting on a phone from hospital!! Hats off to you! Get well soon!